The ongoing Twitter exchanges between former England striker Gary Lineker and television personality Piers Morgan continued on Monday evening, with the pair once again bickering over the result of the United Kingdom's decision to leave the European Union.
The debate began off the back of a tweet posted by Lineker, in which he joked that British Prime Minister Boris Johnson should have given the public a vote on what the PM should have called his newly rescued puppy – a Jack Russell-cross named Dilyn.
“Thought the least the Prime Minister could have done was allow us to vote on the puppy’s name,” the Match of the Day host said, seemingly taking a dig at the fact Johnson was installed as the leader of the Britain without the public having voted for him following Theresa May's resignation.
Lineker has long been an advocate of staying in the European Union, too, and Johnson's part played in the follow up to the Brexit vote – including the Conservative Party's infamous promise of more money for the National Health Service upon leaving – will have done little to enamour himself in the eyes of the retired forward.
Indeed, several political commentators and members of the general public still feel they were not given enough information to truly know what they were voting for, instead having to rely on propaganda in an age inaccurate reporting and fake news.
Regardless, Brexit is taking place, as was the people's will, and Morgan sniped back at Lineker, insisting that he would have wanted a second vote if the PM's dog had ended up with a name he didn't personally like.
“Why? You'd only demand another vote if you didn't get the name you wanted,” he said.
The jibes continued, with Lineker responding: “Here he comes with the same old joke. Come on, Tubs, let’s have something remotely funny or at the very least a degree of originality. Oh, by the way, I’ve never ‘demanded’ another vote for anything.”
With the online scuffle then in full swing, actor and comedian Ricky Gervais stepped in, telling the pair to 'go to their room', to which Lineker replied 'room would have to be enormous' – a callback to the 58-year-old's earlier assertion that Morgan has 'the world's largest face'.
In the end, however, all was well in the Twittersphere, as both came to an agreement that both Leave and Remain campaigners should have been more honest with the public.